Many insights contribute to the failures and successes of businesses. We will be covering some surface-level things to make note of when developing your clothing line, this is in regards to design, aesthetic, and branding. As you look at these surface-level ideas and deep-rooted issues, you can fix them, grow, and elevate your brand, taking your concept to a finished product.

As a professional apparel drop-shipping platform, KaKaClo goes in-depth on different DO’s and DON’Ts to bring success upon your upcoming or already existing apparel brand.

Here are some points:

No.1:Establish an orderly plan

Orderly plan includes Business plan and Financial plan.

Your business plan needs to work out how you plan to manage your clothing brand. Be as realistic as possible when you considering. It’s better to underestimate your profits in order to achieve a surprise, rather than overestimating your abilities and ultimately disappointed.

In the early stages, capital is the lifeblood of an enterprise in terms of Financial plan. Even if you don't have external investment, it is very important for your company's finances to progress smoothly and to master a certain foundation. This makes Drop-shipping become the best option for beginner. Drop-shipping is a fulfillment method where you take the orders from customers and have your supplier ship the products directly to them. Therefore, plenty of retail stores prefer Drop-shipping. It’s an easier, quicker, cheaper, and less risky fulfillment method than holding inventory

No.2:Finding Your Own Lane

Launching your clothing brand with way too many colors by taking your logo and putting it on a shirt sends the message, “I don’t know who’s going to like it so I’m going to make one for everybody.” When you make one for everybody, it looks like you didn’t try and you didn’t think hard enough about it.

You have to consider the various consumers in your market but do not try to market to every single one of those people. Find a smaller lane that makes sense for you, what are those things and why did you choose to do them?

One of the biggest things is using your consumer’s lifestyle to inform your design and your silhouette choices, taking your collection beyond just aesthetic. What is their day like? How many pieces will they buy from your collection to build out their lifestyle? Further building a deeper personal connection to these pieces within your collection.

No.3:Design a logo.

Logo is what people look at and identify themselves.

List a wide range of different signs, and narrow the scope until you choose one that you are absolutely sure of. People will gradually recognize your logo, but if you keep changing, they can easily be confused. Check to make sure that the name you pick has a usable domain name, and consider registering a trademark.

No.4:Instagram Marketing

As The popular visual-first social medium, the increase in brands who've developed a presence on the platform has skyrocketed. KAKA INTELLIGENCE estimates that 71% of US businesses use Instagram. But is it worth their time, and should your business also be on the platform? The answer is yes, and here’s why:

It’s clear that Instagram isn’t just for personal use anymore. It’s now a global platform that allows brands to humanize their content.

Moreover, Instagram users aren’t just active — they’re engaged. About 59% of the platform’s active users visit the site daily, and spend at least 7 hours per week browsing content and interacting with friends and brands.

Instagram can also help grow your brand awareness and introduce new releases. Every month, 130 million Instagram users engage with shopping content. It allows you to promote your brand and product in a friendly, authentic way without hard selling to your customers. Best social medium to showcase your apparel brand, and inspire your audience.

For the full video where we expand on this topic, make sure you check out the latest video on our YouTube Channel.