Tik-Tok is growing fast, and it is set to dominate this year in 2022.
If I could give you one single piece of advice for social media, that would be:start using Tik-Tok RIGHT NOW!
With relativelylittle competition on this platform, growing Tik-Tok is pretty much accessibleto everyone. Building a following on Tik-Tok might just be the key toskyrocketing your sales, especially when you lack the capital to invest in Facebook or Instagram ads
Just look at the massive impact that thechallenge of the dream had on ocean spray sales.
But the rules for success on Tik-Tok are a lot different than any of the otherplatforms and that'swhy in this blog you're going to learn marketing tips and strategies that aregoing to help your business go viral.
Here are the benefits that you can expect for being on Tik-Tok
1. Reach amassive audience
Firstlyand probably most importantly.
Youcan take advantage of exponentially fast growth. Reaching a massive audienceand growing your following is easier than on any social media platform rightnow.
So if you're looking to be an influencer, industry expert, or business owner, thisis a very great place to start.
2. Growyour other social channels.
Tik-Tok allows you to link out to your other social media profiles, so if you'relooking to grow on Instagramor YouTube, then Tik-Tokis going to be that perfect gateway to do so.
3. Getmore sales.
Expanded reach is going to lead to more sales, so if you have an e-commercebusiness or maybe you sell services, then tick-tock is the best place to reachyour niche audience.
4. Makecontent quickly & easily
Tick-tock is liberating, because people come onto the platform expectingto see content that isn't overly produced, so that means you can quickly andeasily make videos that aren't perfect and still be successful.
How to go viral onTik-Tok
1. Tell a story
Start your video off with a problem, give clear steps about your journey, and then endit off with a solution.
Let's say you sell handmade vegan apparel, you can start the video by saying: at first, Ithought it was impossible to make handmade vegan apparel, but I did it andhere's how. Then you could show some behind-the-scenes footage, and then at theend, you would just wrap it up all in a neat bow with your final solution.
If your story is unique or inspiring, you're not only going to grow your Tik-Tokaudience, but you're also going to gain some loyal followers that areemotionally invested in the backstory of your brand. So if your aim is to sellproducts, these types of videos that tell your brand story will really help youmake sales as well.
2. Provide Value
Alright,so the next tip that I have for you guys is to provide value.
So while Tik-Tok trends can be fun for a short while. I think eventually viewersare going to get bored. Thereare only so many times you can watch the same dance done by different people.
So what does this means for you as a creator? You're going to need to providevalue.
People are coming to the platform either to be entertained, inspired or informed.
Soyou need to ask yourself by the end of this video: what did the viewers gain?
Did they laugh?
Did they learn a new skill?
To grow on Tik-Tok, you're going to want to lead by providing value first, and then secondly you'llwant to promote yourbrand.
Going back to our apparel example.
Let's say you create a video explaining how you were able to make your handmade veganapparel. The heart of the video is going to be educational, it's really only atthe very end of the video where you're going to be fulfilling your own needs asa brand and take those couple of seconds to plug in your call to action.
Soyour call to action could be to check out our online store, or it can be staytuned for this collection to drop, but you're only taking the last few secondsof the video to plug your products.
The type of content that we create on Instagram is pretty much just shamelessadvertising.
A video on Instagram might just be likea bunch of models wearing your apparel, laughing, smiling, and there's no real valuethere, but that's pretty much normal for Instagram.
However,that type of content does not really fly on Tik-Tok.
So make sure that you are providing value and there is a takeaway for the viewer.
3. Use viral sounds
Usingtrending sounds is extremely important to get discovered especially on Tik-Tok.
Soif you're not using trending sounds you're gonna be far less likely to be featuredon the ‘for you page’. And the “for you page” is where you're goingto gain most of your followers. So this is extremely important.
What you're going to want to doto find your viral sound, is you're going to want to click “add song” as you'recreating your video, then you're going to go under the playlist and then youwould look under the “Tik-Tok viral” playlist. If you're creating an explainervideo or content that does need sound to make sense, what you can do is you candrop the volume on the added song, and then you can raise your own volume onthe original track, and in that way the viewer can hear what you'resaying in your video, make sense of the video, but you're still gettingdiscovered for that viral sound that you're using in your video.
4. Use hooks
You're not only going to want to hook people at the beginning but you'll also want tohook your audience every 5 to 10 seconds. This increases your video averagewatch time and we do care about our average watch time, because if Tik-Tok's main incentive is to keep people on their app longer and your content ishooking people, your average watch time is long, then Tik-Tok is going to rewardyou with added exposure.
Now,I find that adding captions or words to your video is going to get people to stickaround longer. It's definitely happened to me and I’m sure it's happened to youbefore as well. So make sure you're adding captions and words.
Another great tip is to ask a question right at the beginning of your video, and thenuse the rest of your video to answer it. This works, because people want to seethings, through to completion.
Going back to our apparel example, we could start our video by asking: “Are vegan leather apparel reallymore sustainable than actual leather apparel?”
Now this question works, because it's controversial, and it hits on sustainabilitywhich is a pressing topic. Of course, we're asking a question and using therest of the video to give a solution.
Andthe final tip for hooking an audience is to make fast-paced videos, quick-jump cuts, and flashingtext, andthat's going to continue to hook people throughout the video.
5. Find a niche and stickwith it
So you'll notice that some of the most successful Tik-Tokers are making one typeof content and one type of content only.
They're cycle content by presenting it in slightly different ways and these are thevideos that go viral.
This is efficient, because not only is it less work for you, but it's also effective,so it's a complete win-win.
For example, the KakaClo makes contentaround fashion products and We’re making videos about how can a small business findapparel products. So dropshipping or wholesale in the fashion industry is ourniche, and here we are, more than 600k followers.
So you might be asking yourself, how am I gonna find the type of content thatworks for me. Well, if you have no pre-existing audience, then you're gonnahave to experiment a little until you find the type of content that really hits.
Butonce you do find that winning type of content, you have to keep creatingcontent exactly like that, but with different variations.
6. Make Stand-aloneContent
So the next tip is to ensure that your videos can be watched on their own.
So on Tik-Tok, there's a little bit less of an emphasis on follower loyalty.
When you log on to YouTube, for example, you can easily watch every single videothat your favorite YouTuber has posted. So series of content, like part one andpart two, those are more appropriate on YouTube, but with Tik-Tok, it's definitely much easier to miss videos even of the people that you follow.
Make sure that you're creating videos that can be watched alone. For example, takethe series Inside No.9, let's say I started watching right in themiddle of season seven, I could pretty much pick up what's going on becauseeach episode is an independent story. But if I jumped into the middle of Euphoria or Peaky Blinders in the middle, I might be a little confused, right?
Go for No.9 type content, that is just easy to understand and stands alone, ratherthan in a series.
Allright, in the span of this blog, you just learned the basics of using the Tik-Tokplatform, and you learned how to go viral.
I’m telling you it does not take a rocket scientist to go viral. It is accessible. All you really need is the drive to do it,
Make sure that you're following the steps in this video and I promise you, you'regoing to gain some real traction.